Indicators |
Meat production | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Exploitation rate of livestock | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Livestock products importation: meat,eggs, milk, hide and skin | -- | Découpage1 | |
Annual meat Consumption per capita (Kg) | -- | Découpage1 | |
Monitored live livestock control post by species | -- | Découpage1 | |
Vaccination coverage rate (CBPP) | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Vaccination coverage rate (PPR) | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Annual livestock products consumption :meat, eggs, milk, hide and skin per capita | -- | Découpage1 | |
Pastoral surface area | -- | Découpage1 | |
Production of hide and skin | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Milk production | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Distribution of pastoral enclaves | -- | | |
Mortality rate per species | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Number of pastoral water points created | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Number of livestock markets | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Number of livestock markets rehabilitated | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Contribution of livestock products to the total household consumption | -- | | |
Annual growth rate of investments in pastoral resources | -- | | |
Coverage rate of fodder reqirements | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Length (Cattle route) of passage corridors | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Area dedicated to fodder crops | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Number of modern abattoirs built | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Number of modern dairies created | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Number of livestock markets built in accordance to standards | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Annual milk consumption per capita (Kg) | -- | | |
Contribution of livestock income to the total household revenue | -- | | |
Number of secured pastoral enclaves | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Growth rate of livestock sector | -- | | |
Livestock products exportation: meat, eggs, milk, hide and skin | -- | | |
Fooder balance | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Total quantity of livestock products(milk, meat, hide,skin,eggs) | -- | | |
Length of firewall band realized | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Number of modern tanneries rehabilitated | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Number of modern tanneries built | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Egg production | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Density of water points in grazing zones | -- | Découpage1 | Découpage2 |
Total quantity of livestock products (meat) | -- | | |
Total quantity of livestock products (eggs) | -- | | |
Total quantity of livestock products ( hide and skin) | -- | | |